It is the weighty issue of the day for me, anyway…
Just wanted to post up a pic to show where I had gotten to. I had started out about 192 or 193 at the top, so 179 is certainly a major improvement and it shows (no, I won’t take those pictures yet!). I am rather happy at this point, and happy enough to say that the goal is very much closer to 170 than I am right now. It all really depends on if I lose weight faster or build muscle faster (as muscle is a little bit heavier than fat, so I could lose fat and gain muscle and have my weight actually go UP, not down).
Yes, I am using Atkins, which is working out pretty well, although it is a modified Atkins (my own design) and it is doing pretty much everything I set out to have it do, which is, well, excellent. This week is certainly slower than last week for weight loss, but I have a feeling that I am just bumping a wall and that will solve itself within the next 48 hours or so as I adjust the food intake slightly (still eating a ton, just a slightly different ton). Plus the weather has turned nice here in Montreal, so I will be able to take my bicycle out and get some good rolling miles done there as well, which should help to raise my metabolism a little bit.
Overall, it isn’t so bad, and it is getting better. 🙂