Some nice and new yummy stuff

Okay, some new yummy stuff for you to enjoy:

Kyla Cole: Penthouse pet yes, sexy, yes… and a skilled carpet licker… oh yeah! Click here to see more of her!

Evelyn Lory: From the other end of the tits scale, Evelyn Lory is a sexy and petite chested girl… I love this photoset! Click to see!
Hot Erotic Stories: I had a girl over the net come to me a couple of years ago and dare me to write a story about her, using only the facts that she was 18 at the time and loved to ride horses… and that she wasn’t very experienced in the sex world. So I wrote Rodeo Games, a very hot and sexy story with a nice little older / younger twist in the middle.

Porn Pig: I continue to work on my blog aggregator Porn Pig’s Porn Party. I have someone off now developing a great theme for the site, and I have added a couple of new blogs on there in the last couple of days. I recommend bookmarking it because this site I think is going to be popular!

Updated: I also finished up a new look for Go Stories Erotic Stories Links… this is one of the first sites I have developed using pretty much 100% CSS, trying to make the site a little neater and cleaner and to get away from the sloppy ass HTML I use to do. I think the site looks nice and light now, and the links are easier to read… plus the page loads MUCH faster because there is about 40% less code on the page. Win win all around, I think. I am going to be adding some stories and archives over here soon too…so enjoy! Bookmark this one if you love stories.

I am working on some other stuff as well over the weekend, so more to post soon, I am sure!

Nice day… too bad for all the noise

The punishment for living in a neighborhood still under construction is when you want to open your windows to enjoy the nice summer air, you also have to accept the sounds of construction and other annoyances.

In this case, I am getting a double shot of annoyance:  In the back, they are putting in the foundation for a new house, and today they are packing the gravel / rock into the ground for drainage.  Because everything here is about 6 or 8 inches above hard slate bedrock, the roller is making my house vibrate like mad.  (when the put the roads in, they had to use dynamite to get rid of the rocks… took about 3 months of blasting every day to do half a mile).  The bonus today is that they city is working on the fountain in front of my house removing all the cracked tiles because they built it poorly to start with.  So deep bass rumbling from the back, and hi pitched jack hammer on the front.  LOVELY!

I am also waiting for the contructor to come look at one part of the foundation of my house, which is screwed up, and the sat TV company is coming to move my disk and install an HD receiver (now if I just had an HD TV to hook it to!).  It really is fucking insanity here, which sadly means no work done until later.

I played badminton last night and got some really good lessons from my friend Tayo, who is a much better player than I will probably ever been.  He really should be a pro coach, he is very patient and not at all worries about doing things over and over until they work.  Iplayed a game with him and won, but we did manage to run into each other at least once.  Communication.. *sigh*.

Anyway, don’t forget to check out Porn Pig’s Porn Party which has a ton of new stuff every day, as well as findpics free porn links, which I update every day too!

Computer issues

The motherboard on my main work system started to take a dive about a week ago.  A few minor weirdnesses came up, this and that, nothing really… and then the onboard sound started to act up.  It is a decent motherboard (ASUS P4S8X) and I have run it for maybe two years without issues, so I figured that maybe my speakers were acting up, maybe a bad cable… something.

Well, after testing with some other speakers and whatnot, I figured that yup, the motherboard was having issues.  So time to get a new one.  Lucky for me my current system is a CPU type that is still supported by new boards, and not a slouch speed either (2.4gig… not huge fast but not bad).  Off I got to pick up an ASUS P4P800 SE from my local supplier.  I chose that one because I also use it on a video system I have, and I like the board as it has a good 1 gig network card on board, FSB up to 800mhz, and both IDE and SATA drive support – plus I can continue to use my existing AGP video card on it.  A relatively cheap $120 canadian or so to get the new board, I come back home and do the swap.  Pretty painless to install, I had to change the back plate and move some of the mounting pegs, but pretty much bing bang boom, and the new board is in place and all the toys hooked up.  Nice.

Cool, power it up, and it won’t boot.   Windows loads to a point and the system resets automatically, always in the same place.


Turns out that the previous board’s drivers for this and that and even the board itself are conflicting and really screwing something out.  Won’t even boot in safe mode, and there is no longer a step by step mode to eliminate the problem deal (use to be that you could step through the boot one item at a time and say yes or no, which made it easy to find out what is fucking you up.  Not any more!).  Anyway, the only solution was a repair style reinstall of windows.  So a simple board swap turns into a couple of hours of trouble shooting, tracking down drivers, and generally making sure everything on my system works again.  Total pain in the ass.

On the plus side, my system is certainly faster.  I am more convinced now that mobo issues were dragging on my system, and obviously a windows reset certainly doesn’t hurt either to get rid of useless boot items and minor conflicts.  The sound is great, and the network actually is a little bit quicker too.

I guess I have a suggestion for Microsoft:   If a system fails to boot and recycles, either find a way to put a log where it can be accessed with little or no actual operating system, or give some way to step through the boot to figure out what is going wrong.   Having a system that won’t boot and with no easy method to diagnose the problem, I could see people just doing a complete new install and losing tons of data and installed programs.  I am a little more persistant, but many people are nowhere near as interested in doing the hard but right thing.

So now I get to go back to work 🙂

A general sort of a day

Well, it is tuesday, I sort of missed Monday as I was working kind of hard and then got pulled away on other issues that really sort of confused my day.  That and the fact I am still trying to recover from badminton on Sunday, my legs are damn sore.  I am not use to the rubberized floor, it is VERY hard on my legs.  I think that once I play there a little more it won’t bother me as much, but I really do prefer wood floors as they have a little slip and give to them.  The rubber ones are pretty darn hard.

I have been working more on, attempting to get it working well and to find more good feeds to add to the site.   It is a little difficult because every provider has different rules as to use, and some of them are just rude and don’t answer emails.

In the same sort of idea, I am also working on a site called Porn Pig.  This site will have a ton of blogs and other sources feeding it with new and updated links daily, my aim is 100-200 new items on the index page every day for your enjoyment.  Check it out, bookmark it now, because you will love it soon!

Anyway, I am going to try badminton again tonight (even if I am in pain) and hopefully I won’t die 🙂

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Another wonderful rainy uck kind of a day… but at least I am in a good mood.

First off, the weight thing:  175 again this morning, I certainly feel that I am on a plateau right now, but that should change over the next few days as exercise becomes part of the game.  I am looking forward to some intense badminton today, again tomorrow, and some lighter work on Tuesday.  After that I will be a YMCA member again, so I will have the ability (but not sure about desire) to go to work out or at least play more badminton.  If I chase around enough I can find badminton to play every day or at least every other day, so that isn’t bad.   I am aiming to get good enough to qualify for tournament play this fall.

If the weather gets a little drier, the bicycle will be back in service as well.  I have to be careful because my knees are not up to that much on the bike for now, but a little bit every day (even 20-30 minutes around the neighborhood) will help to work the muscles and build up a little wind, all the while encouraging my system to pull fats and turn them into energy.  Bike riding is good because you use some of the biggest muscles in your body, which means you have the potential to use much energy.  Overall not a bad thing.

As for other things, well, I will be working some more on the new movie review site which for the moment is mostly headline news rather than deep and detailed reviews.  However, I am hoping to change that around over time, and encourage people to post reviews.  Hey, check the site out, maybe you want want to write reviews as well.

There will certainly be some porn slung today too.  Want some sexy live porn?  Click here for Sexy Live Porn – well, actually, it is a site I own with the new live Amsterdam feed right on the page.  Check it out and enjoy 🙂

Saturday… a day like any other, I guess

Well, here I sit at my desk, contemplating stuff.

I am posting this in more than one section today because, well, all sorts of stuff in this one post.  My mind is being it’s usual ADHD self, so I am thinking about 10 things at the same time.  I am not joking when I say that during this post I will likely go away to another window at least 5 times, check mail, and basically get lost in non-related and unimportant things as it happens.   It is the nature of my slightly fried and very hyper brain.

Atkins wise:  Yesterday was not the best day for me.  I felt tired all day, listless without much energy.  My weight remains a pretty unchanged 175, which makes me think I have hit either a metabolic wall or there are other issues I am not grasping.  I am eating pretty much “by the book”, but I am pretty much stuck.  I am also not enjoying the lack of energy that I have had for a few days now, so I am looking for alternatives.

Well, today I guess I took the other route, and went out to eat.  Woohoo, I actually went out and ate something that wasn’t measured, checked, or weighed.  Lovely.  Kojax (a montreal greek fast food style deal) is pretty good, so I stuck to an Atkins version of it:  Meat, more meat, and some more meat… with salad and feta cheese.  1/4 of one pita bread (about the size of a dollar bill cut in half) as my carb break buster (more on this in a second) and hot sauce to dip and enjoy to make it all good.   I came home feeling pleasantly filled but not over stuffed, and I surprised myself by finishing the salad pretty much before I touched much of the meet.  In my mind, that is a pretty good deal.

As for the Pita, well, I know that is a big no-no, but I am starting to feel that my carb count per day might have been a little too far under for it’s own good.  This is doubly so because I am about to start working out more (badminton at least 3 times a week, plus bike and some weights) and after the crappy feeling I got on Tueday after playing, I don’t want to take the chance.  Tuesday really put a little fear into me, as I am really feeling that my carbs were so low that my body was not even able to refill and replentish my muscles as I exercised, which left me pretty weak towards the end and playing poorly, plus making me feel a little sickly.   I got the same sort of feeling after riding my bike as well, and that makes me think that I am not getting quite enough carbs to work out properly.   Regardless of diet, working out is important and having enough energy to do it is as well.  So I am more than a little freaked out on the concept.  So today I added in 1/4 of a pita (nothing big) which should have put in about 8 or 10 extra grams of carbs.  I will be careful the rest of the day not to blow the number out, but I need to see what if anything that will do for me.

I can tell you that after a long sleep (about 10 hours) and a decent meal, I am feeling quite a bit better and more focused.  I was really sort of losing the plot last night, and that bothers me no end.   I was so gone out that I didn’t even wake up on the alarm this morning to check out Formula 1 Qualifying, which is something I pretty much always watch.  I also missed the practice sessions, which is pretty strange for me.  Proof if nothing else that i really haven’t been myself.

Now, on to other more fun stuff.

First off, I added live chat feeds directly into  If you go to the new sites pages (click here) you will see a new window called “really live now”.   This really is a live feed, with a number of camera options.  You can open a free account over there and chat with the lovely girl, or just enjoy the view.  It is live from Amsterdam, and it is freaking hot!

Second I am still working on the new 1 hot tgp.  This site has a nice mix of galleries and such, and I am adding a ton of new ones every day.   I will be adding some great archive pages over there shortly, so you will be able to find everything you love 🙂

I am going to work on some stuff this afternoon and this evening, so I will come back to post more as it happens.

Have a great Saturday!

Bright and sunny and shit

Well, it is bright and sunny today in Montreal and all is well… well… it is well, it is.  What can I say?

I guess I will take my bicycle out later for a lap or two, I haven’t ridden it since the fall so now would probably be a good time.  The weather is reasonable and I can about hack it.  Now with the new roads being built around my house, I can even easily mark off a nice circular route that will let me get some serious exercise without repeating the same crap every 3 minutes.  That isn’t such a bad thing, and will help on my endless quest to shrink myself down to human size 🙂

Speaking of which, the scales didn’t move much over the weekend, but a small change in diet should help.  I am slowly bringing more veg into the deal, and cutting down on the protein / meats a bit more.  It will all balance out, and help my system move things a little quicker.  Overall it is looking fine and the results are what I am looking for, so it is all good.  Back to the gym before the end of the month and everything should work out solidly before summer is here.

I spent part of the weekend looking at RSS feeds for various adult sites.  I am looking at one in particular that will allow me to show a list of girls currently chatting live in video chat rooms, and allow people to find the girl they want pretty much directly.  It is pretty kewl, intereactive. and the girls are hot, so that is good.

I am also looking at ways to bring galleries and other links into sites updated automatically so that I don’t have to wrestle with them manually, and it will help keep the sites fresh and all you people happy to find new shizzznit to enjoy (gotta love me when I go snoop on ya).

For the moment, cleaning up some older sites and improving the flow… it’s all about flow… 😉