Lies my blogger told me.

Well, I am getting down to the end of Gonzo Marketing (book by Chris Locke, aka rageboy), and I must say this has been an eye opening experience when it comes to looking at blogs (and some of the other things I am working on). It is a bit of a tale, but let me tell you what I got out of all of this.

First and foremost, Locke tries to paint the picture of the internet as a sort of great social commune of people sharing interests, creating geocities websites filled with dancing hamsters and talking about organic gardening. He touched just barely on the new at the time idea of weblogs, which we all know now as blogs. He correctly did predict that we would all spend out time talking to each other in little personal interest sites. Everyone is a writer, and editor, and a researcher. We all bring our personal experiences and knowledge to the table, and away we go, filling the web with endless amounts of wonderful, insightful personally slaved over and loved information.

That much, my friends, he got right.

He goes on to attempt to sell this concept to industry as a “gonzoâ€? or underground marketing campaign. Basically, unleash your employees to create personalized websites about whatever interests them, and attempt to leverage that into some sort of sneaky personal brand connection concept. It is a stunning abuse of the very trust he seeks to promote in the wide open social commune that he calls the net. It is a bit like sending in undercover spies or some sort of digital trojan horse. Pollute and corrupt the system from the inside.

Thankfully, that sort of bloated neo-corporate blather for the most part has been lost in the sea of the web, because people are not so easily tricked by the bullshit of forced originality. It is a very well known fact that most blogs are abandoned within a few posts of being opened, as most people discover that they really have very little to say. Attempting to force employees to talk about whatever for fun and corporate prodfits is an even bigger non-starter, and as a result, most of what was in Gonzo Marketing regarding personal interest websites has pretty much failed.

In it’s place, we find things like myspace and any number of pathetic dating sites packed full of losers hiding behind fake photos and even faker profiles. In both cases, the goal seems only to score the most “friendsâ€? and not to actually talk about anything. A personal grandstanding and very shallow shout outs, totally transient in nature. For most of these people, the net is just a glorified school dance or pickup bar with smaller drink tabs and no reason to dress up.

Those who do chose to blog come in a couple of groups. The best bloggers tend to be the professionals that you actually want to know more about. I personally love to read Matt Cutt’s blog (he is a higher end Google guy, double meaning intended). It is filled with great information about how Google runs, things going on, and the weird things that Matt really enjoys. It is a real mish-mash, but good fun overall and not at all forced in language or subject.

In the middle area there are hundreds of thousands of people who ruin personal blogs on about every subject in the world, from anthills to zits and everything in between. Some of these are well written by people who have some skill and a real interesting point of view or passion for a subject, and others are just hack jobs from people who can barely string together a sentence. There is a ton of passion in these sites.

There is also the commercial blog. I run some of those ( like The Little Tit site or DDCup Big Booby Blog ) that are aimed to provide a service and inform a group of like minded people about things they might like. My personal preference in breast size doesn’t come into play here, I professionally write from either point of view without issue, as I understand both, and they are darn good information and resource sites that visitors tend to enjoy. Over time I open more sites of the same general concept, reaching out to people with similar desires or pleasures. It is actually one of the most fun parts of my day to work on these sites.

Finally, there are the blog mega sites, like stile project or consumption junction that were bloggy type sites really before blogs existed. They are sort of the all things to all people, and are quite popular for various reasons.

What Locke failed to address in his book was the issue of integrity and truthfulness in blogging. It is very easy to write almost anything in a blog (My sister is an alien) without anything being able to check out the facts (nobody can prove she is an alien, now can they). The web is filled with blogs that lie, steal, cheat, and mislead’ and that what keeps the blog world from being anything more than a poorly organized social experiment.

Let me give you an example. There are any number of “celebâ€? blogs out there, chatting about the latest gossip, often posting nipple slip pictures, embarrassing moments, and shots that are pretty darn funny. These sites get huge numbers of visitors every day, and they tend to try to sell people off to celeb nudity sites like Mr Skin or similar sites.

Every wonder where they get those pics from? Simple: THEY STEAL THEM.

Every wonder where these sites get their funny videos from? Do you think they have film crews all over the world chasing stupid drivers and dumb skateboard riders around? Nope’ THEY STEAL IT.

Now, consider this: If they are willing to steal material to fill their sites, would you consider that they might be a little bit fast and loose with facts too?

Nobody is checking nobody knows.

If you get your news from blogs, then you probably dont have all the truth just be careful, okay?

Busy friday, things getting added

Bit of a busy day around here, turn out the porn… here are some good pieces for today:

Gigi Lightspeed galleries – 20 hot galleries over here of fresh new lightspeed girl Gigi. THey update all the time with new ones as they come out.

Mommy got boobs galleries – I added three great galleries over here of MILFs with big tits… nice!

Dream Kelly has nce tits – a link to a nice gallery for Dream Kelly, plus some info abouther personal website.

findpics porn links has been updated as well with some nice fresh links and things… always a good sign.

Click here porn is another idea I am working on… not sure exactly how this one will turn out, but there are about 3000 links over here sorted and such… plus some great links to other link sites, TGPs, and free galleries. I am thinking I might also add a porn blog link section, we’ll see!

More porn to sling… stay tuned! 🙂

More comments on Gonzo Marketing

Okay, so I am not done re-reading this book, but I have just gotten to the point where I put it down the last time… and now I remember why.

Chapter 7: The Gonzo Model

Okay, I was following along no problem. Chistropher Locke is certainly a motivated and strong speaker, and believes very much in what he writes. He is a, umm, how can I say this, real born again evanglist when it comes to this idea of Gonzo Marketing. Religeous in approach, even. He prays at the alter of the little guy, lighting a candle for the micro interests that all of us apparently have. Left handed red head football lovers from WallaWalla, short people with big chips on their shoulders about global warming and the effects on the one eyed slugs of bimini island… everyone has a candle lit at the alter of Locke.

I was good with that. Blogs and free blog space and myspace and 100 other sites have given the public a space to post whatever the heck is they want, regardless of the truth, skill, or intelligence of the people using it – the only barrier being smart enough to figure out the interface and type your name (and if you have ever spent time around places like blogger, you will know that many, many people just don’t past that test). There are literally thousands if not millions of totally useless, undeveloped, abandoned blogs and personal web pages crowding up the net universe. Heck, you can’t blame people for trying, I am proud of anyone willing to give it a shot.

Locke prays every day that another blog will appear, that another micromarket will be born, and that the world will be all right.

I start reading this magic chapter 7, and it all goes to shit.

All of sudden, the book takes a sharp turn and we are back inside stuff cubicle packed offices, instructing bosses to set up personal websites inside the company and let the employees play… and then pick the best and put them REALLY on the web and use them as a sneaky, back ass way to get your company exposed, all while tricking employees into being secret sales droids… never realizing that their posts and articles on back yard gardening are in fact a covert way of sneaking your company into the very micromarkets that your employees have spawned for you.

There you have it: The high priest of do it yourself web teaching companies how to corrupt the system and turn it into, well… shit.

Gonzo Marketing is in fact the first step down the road not of blogs, but of micromarket splogs generated not by computer and keywords lists, but carefully created and maintained by the ignorant employees who think that they are putting one over on the company by spending their time working on a blog instead of answering customer phone calls or actually doing work.

He calls it “winning through worst practices” but in the end, after 6 chapters of spewing off how important the new non-broadcast media would be in people’s lives, he turns around and tells companies exactly how to corrupt it and turn it back into a form of broadcast medium… instead of 100 people working to produce a TV show, just give each one of them a couple of blogs to run and you suddenly have access to 200 new micromarkets…

I guess I am just a little disgusted – and all of this from a guy who’s website looks like the very worst of myspace and yahoo groups tossed in a blender, fed to an incontenant monkey, and given 12 hours to filter through.

Anyway, I am going to plug on through and try to get to the end of this book, all the while trying not to laugh at the quaint 5 year old information that it spews.

Another weird day on the world

First off, let’s get to the tits… New site, big titty girl getting cum on – okay? Got it?

Anyway, I am sitting in my office (in montreal) watching a police chace in California live. I guess when I see these things the first thing I think of is how amazing the technology is that I can do that… it is really stunning. Anyway, some apparently drugged up 25 year old girl stole a police SUV and is now driving around like a mad thing, on 3 tires… it is a ticking time bomb.

I am working on a bunch of stuff… added new category pages over at Click here porn and I will be adding a neat little blog roll area over there too in the near future. There are about 3000 sites listed over there, plus some daily galleries and stuff, not a terrible site overall.

Do you like erotic stories? You could also check out my story link site at Story list erotic stories – there are links to thousands of stories and the best membership sites over here too.

SUV girl is still at it… a couple of near accidents and people swerving to avoid her… sort of a boring chase, FOX is split screening it with a Tom Delay interview, really quite sad. I just wish there was a big “RAWALEX.COM” on the back of that thing, I am sure that all that live national coverage would send a few people my way… *sigh*.

I have recently been re-reading the book Gonzo Marketing (from one of the guys who wrote Cluetrain Manifesto, which was a very strange but interesting book. Gonzo is fun because it was written in 2001, and it sort of previews the idea of blogs and self publishing, but it really also does show how the future of the internet can be accurately predicted by some people. However, it really does sort of miss some things, and doesn’t take the time to address something that I find truly important in the blog / personal space world: Accuracy.

(They nailed SUV girl… somehow she just sort of stopped and they got her out of the SUV without too much trouble – no bloodshed or massive accidents, lucky!)

Blogs give everyone (including me, which sort of makes this a little weird) a chance to say whatever they want. We can express opinions, post messages, and even “report” things. In a sense, it is a unique situation that has allowed everyone in the world to become citizen reporters. However, most citizen reporters are not held up to the standards of truthfulness or completeness, and many blogs are packed full of lies, untruths, and partial stories that just don’t play very well. If someone comes and read that that blog and thinks the information is in fact true, then that blog has misinformed and mislead the public – which is something that the normal news media is suppose to stay away from.

There is no check, no balance, no standards… just spew.

Chistopher Locke (the author of Gonzo Marketing) attempts to write this off as “involved” reporters, that people can be anything but neutral but still able to report fact. His feeling seems to be that somehow the “relevance” of the reporter is somehow better than the facts being correct.

I am working on an idea regarding the state of blogging, the internet, and the universe of disinformation that is out there… it is really amazing.


Working on some more stuff

Another few days in the salt mines… between doing accounting and working on porn, I would certainly pick porn every time 🙂

First thing is this: HOLY SHIT NICE TITS BABE! Okay, I’ll control myself… but this girl has amazing big tits… tig bitties, that is for sure! Nice gallery for free here.

At the other end of the scale is Seanna Teen… amazing small tits on this girl. So if the big ones don’t do it for you, this girl surely will!

I also continue to work on click here porn which is going to be a long linking list of link sites, tgps, blogs, and whatever else I can come up with. I don’t ever think it will be massively in great order, but I do think that it will be a cool way to find some new stuff maybe you haven’t seen before, and see more of the web that you have seen before.

Other things on my plate include something wildly interactive that I have been toying with. I don’t think I am a good enough programmer to pull it all off by myself, but I am going to take a shot at it and see. If it works, it could be a totally new way to see the net… then again, it could just be a shitty idea that goes nowhere… we’ll see.

I also have a new link site on the way that will be oriented towards movies and stuff. It should be kewl 🙂

Stay tuned!

Updates and additions

Okay, a couple of updates on sites I am running today:

Added a new solo girl gallery to Sexy Amateur Thumbs – 20 hot galleries for Montreal hotty Shelby Bell – cute girl that does hardcore too! There is also more information at the little tit site Shelby Bell page.

I also added two new gallery links from Nubiles for their latest girls on the little tit site. The two girls are Boroka and Melody, both of them are really hot looking girls with nice tiny tits.

I also added a review and links to the hot site for Import model Francine Dee. She has some really huge fake boobs, and is a real sexy girl. She really does do car shows and stuff, and she will certainly give any asian big titty love a major chubby looking at her!

I also added new sites to Findpics Free Porn Links and I am working on updated the daily pics areas over there today too.

More news later as I get to it! 🙂

Congrats, your stupid

Okay, let me start off with the link to the story: College guys go wild

There are two trends growing, and honestly, I don’t know which one is worse. This story brings both of them out.

Reality porn started a few years back with sites like bangbus and Mike’s Apartment showed girls getting picked up and “talked into” being on a porn video. In the case of Bangbus, the real trick was at the end they never actually paid the girl the money they promised, and often tricked them into getting out of the van and then driving away. Think of it as a simpistic version of male dominance, on tape and sent out to millions of other potential knuckle dragging cavemen to enjoy.

From my point of view, taken as a humorous aside in life, they are actually really a bunch of fun and play to a harmless fantasy that most people would never even consider thinking about. It sort of plays off the older “pick up a hitchiker”thing, a pretty normal fantasy that has been around since the start of my life, anyway. I will tell you that you probably would enjoy checking out the bangbus trailers because some of them are truly classic pieces of porn humor. Taken in a light hearted manner, some of them are truly side splitting.

Mike’s Apartment is a twist. Guy puts ad in newspaper for temporary room mates for his flat in Amsterdam. A parade of poor students, cheap travellers, and confused locals come through looking for a space to stay, and when they findout that the price of admission is getting naked on camera (and often fucking the mythical “mike”) some run and some strip down and get busy. Again, sort of the stranger fantasy played out well.

The downside of these reality sites is that some people have taken them a little too far, pushing the border of subjects like non-consentual sex and even rape. One of the weirder and less enjoyable sites included ideas like “attacked while sleeping” and “she’ll never know” type sites. This delves into an area that starts to work on matters of judgement and good taste. There are thing, example, that a married couple might do for fun (I will even admit to waking my ex-wife up with some nice munching, which lead to amazing sex) but most of these sites play on “neighbors”, “room mates”, or “sister’s friends”. It is the idea of having sex without waking someone up… and it is, without a doubt in my mind, the portrayal of non-consentual sex, which is rape.

Rape ain’t good, guys.

Anyway, these dumbasses in the article happened to find a buddies’ almost conquest passed out in the living room of their shared flat, and decided after watching some porn that it would be a good idea to blow their load all over her while she slept. Not cool at all.

Guys, if the girl can’t say yes or no, the answer should always be NO.

Anyway, the other trend in all of this is the current run of the press to blame porn for every ill in society. When that Entwhistle dude that killed his wife and kid was caught, they checked his computer and foudn that he was checking out porn and hanging around adult dating / sex exchange sites. Some of the media tried to suggest this as some sort of trigger for what happened. The truth of the matter is that more than 50% of all americans check out porn and enjoy it at one time or another, and that visiting an adult site isn’t exactly unusual or out of place. Only the taboos and morals of the current society keep us from standing around the water cooler at work talking about the fuck movie we watched last night. Porn star girls and guys are well known, most people know who is who. It isn’t a big deal, we don’t talk about it.

So my advice to the media is that you start looking somewhere else for a scapegoat… and guys, keep your dick in your pants when the girls don’t want it. That will keep us from having too many more articles that make the porn business look bad, okay?

Natural Big Tits

Okay, I don’t usually just toss up links to a single gallery, but this one sort of got my attention…

If you like big titty girls – natural big tits – then you want to check this out. Brandy Taylor is a true big titty hotty. She is all natural, her tits are freaking amazing, and her nipples are so suckable. Anyway, this gallery has her pulling out her big sweater puppies, and then give some lucky guy head until he blows a load all over her chest, cleavage, and boobs… fucking hot. I liked it, and I am sure you will!

Click here to check out the natural big tits and knob gobbling expertise of Brandy Taylor


Okay guys and gals… a quick one today. Just want to let you in on a site that I think has the hottest live chat rooms on the net today – I’m Live!

Hundreds of girls live right now, thousands of different girls all day, and they are hot, willing and friendly. Girls, guys, trannies, couples, lesbian duos… there is all sorts of fun going on over here.

It’s simple, it’s easy – and it really is live.

Click here to see which sexy girls are live and online right now!