Some nice and new yummy stuff

Okay, some new yummy stuff for you to enjoy:

Kyla Cole: Penthouse pet yes, sexy, yes… and a skilled carpet licker… oh yeah! Click here to see more of her!

Evelyn Lory: From the other end of the tits scale, Evelyn Lory is a sexy and petite chested girl… I love this photoset! Click to see!
Hot Erotic Stories: I had a girl over the net come to me a couple of years ago and dare me to write a story about her, using only the facts that she was 18 at the time and loved to ride horses… and that she wasn’t very experienced in the sex world. So I wrote Rodeo Games, a very hot and sexy story with a nice little older / younger twist in the middle.

Porn Pig: I continue to work on my blog aggregator Porn Pig’s Porn Party. I have someone off now developing a great theme for the site, and I have added a couple of new blogs on there in the last couple of days. I recommend bookmarking it because this site I think is going to be popular!

Updated: I also finished up a new look for Go Stories Erotic Stories Links… this is one of the first sites I have developed using pretty much 100% CSS, trying to make the site a little neater and cleaner and to get away from the sloppy ass HTML I use to do. I think the site looks nice and light now, and the links are easier to read… plus the page loads MUCH faster because there is about 40% less code on the page. Win win all around, I think. I am going to be adding some stories and archives over here soon too…so enjoy! Bookmark this one if you love stories.

I am working on some other stuff as well over the weekend, so more to post soon, I am sure!

Sure enough, expressvu screwed it up again…

Bell Canada just blows my mind.

Okay, ongoing saga. 2 days ago I went online to my account (they do have some decent online tools for account management, I have my phone, dsl, and sat tv all in one place… a nice touch) and changed the programming on my system. They sent me this:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for using our web site to update your programming. Please note that any addition to your programming will be effective within the next 24 to 48 hours.


Thank you,

Bell ExpressVu Customer Service Department

If you still experience problems, fill out the Contact Us form at (I took the URL out, it is useless).

So I figured, hot damn, they actually have a system in place that works!  I should have come here to start with!

Wrongo Bongo.

I had this feeling today (2 days later) that nothing was happening.  So I call their ever friendly customer service and check to see how long it is going to take for the automated change to go through.  The girl puts me on hold for a damn long time, and comes back and says “there was a programming change, but it was reversed on the 8th”.  Wrong change, girl.  I put this one in on the 9th.  This confused her beyond all get out, she asked me stuff about three times and then put me back on hold for about an ice age of time.   Finally she comes back and announces somewhat proudly, I thought: “We have no change for your account”.

I think it was how happy and pleasant she was about saying that there was nothing on file.  It really seemed to make her day that there was (hopefully) nothing else for her to do here.  I was really blown away by the attitude.

Thankfully I had a printout, and she had to manually enter the programming.

Anyway, all to say that finally I have programming I want at about $35 LESS than I was paying before.  That by itself is a major piece of joy for me, understanding that they would have been getting more money out of me if they hadn’t fucked it all up so badly.  It is quite pleasant, really.  One of the few minor victories in all of this for me.

Now, tomorrow I will start to work on moving the dish outside.  I have spotted a decent enough location that should work well with the 91 bird, but I am not so sure with the 82.  That will be a whole different game when we get to it, I guess. Then I can look at getting the upgrade done one of these years, but I think I am putting that off for a while now.

More expressvu sucks

Well 14 hours after submitting a programming change, still nothing except a very simple email that says it takes 24-48 hours to process… I am sure glad I did this online instead of with a customer service agent that would have changed the programming right away.

Bell certainly hasn’t earned the right to be a monopoly, not only on phone and sat tv, but also by owning the largest network in Canada CTV and most of it’s affiliate stations.

Bell Expressvu has horrible customer service.

Well, it ain’t a ranch, now is it?

Anyway, I have the ongoing disaster that is Bell Expressvu. It has been a seriously shitty experience all around… let me explain:

I have had expressvu for a bit more than 3 years now. I take pretty much all the normal programming from them, about $90 a month or so for a couple of hundred channels, movies, etc. I have an older 3100 series receive and single gun dish. Anyway, I have had issues with my local housing authory (I live in a planned community, stupid move on my behalf) that said the current install location of my dish outside was unacceptable, and they threatened me with a $60,000 fine if I did not move it quickly.

So, I figure “what the heck”… Expressvu is pushing rental 6100 series receivers which is compatible with HD TVs. I don’t have an HD set yet, but I am sure it will happen sooner or later. So I figure why not rent a new receiver, and get them to move the dish at the same time. This is where the fun starts.

As an existing customer, I would have to pay significantly MORE than a new customer would for the same thing. Basically, I would pay the install charge ($75) and I would get no signup bonus or rental bonus as a result… the net difference was upwards to $200 just to start with, plus two or three months of free HD programming that I wouldn’t get. I contacted Bell, and they agreed that this was silly, but it “is the way it works, nothing we can do”.

So I decided to cancel their service and try another provider for a while.

This is where the “save” department comes into play. Pretty much every subscription company has a save mechanism to attempt to keep clients. Most companies don’t want to tell you the truth, but it costs them MORE to find a new client than it does to keep an existing client. Advertising, freebies, spiffs… they spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to drive new clients to their services, and when they know that you could leave them (big loss of income) and go to a competitor (with little expense on their side) it is katie bar the door and they bend over, pretty much willing to give you whatever you want to make you stay.

I should point out that one of the more frustrating things about dealing with Bell Expressvu is that their phone system has a pretty amazing rate of hangups. Over the course of 5 days, I have been on the receiving end of no less than a dozen total hangups, transfers to space, and such. This is our phone company, remember… you would think their stuff works. My feeling is that employees are happy to accidentally push a button and make clients who are asking difficult questions go away, as difficult sitautions no doubt lower their call ratios and make them look ineffecient.

Anyway, “Jason” finally said, well, if you go to a store, get the $49 rental install kit (which is nothing more than a paper contract), we will pay for the install, refund your install costs (near net $100) and give you 3 months free service (did I mention they would bend over?). Net numbers on the table for me was about $450 if I stayed in the game.

Okay, you guys are frustrating the heck out of me, but I will give it one more shot.

The next day, I go to the local bell store and buy the install kit, call the number, schedule the install, etc. No actual problems here, shockingly.

Later that evening, a bunch of the channels on my current system disappear.

Contacting customer series (I have the number memorized by this point, which is a bad sign), and they say “oh, your software is out of date, yadda yadda…” over and hour on the phone and a little bit more time and the new software is downloaded and “it can take up to two hours for your programming to reactive properly”.

Next morning, the programming is still screwed up. Call them back. They ask me for what channels I am missing. I tell them. They say “you aren’t paying for those channels in any package you have, so your programming is correct”. I am a bit confused at this point, until I realize what has happened: When “Jason” gave me three months free, he “accidentally” bumped me to a weird combination package that doesn’t include about half the channels I normally watch. Free indeed.

Driod on the phone says “that is your package, but if you want to spend an extra $X per month, we can move you to this other package so you can get those channels that you want” – the price quoted would have pushed my monthly bill to just over $100.

I lose it. This may be the one time in this process that the “transferring me to a supervisor that turns into a hangup” was earned.

Anyway, back down the line, time to cancel all this shit and get it over with.

All the way to cancel, get an actually pleasant african guy on the phone (his full name I won’t post because I am sure he is the only one with that name in the company… but it starts with MB, which is a pretty interesting combination at the start of a name). He admits outright that many current phone service employees have techniques for losing a difficult call, that my experiences are NOT unusual for anyone asking difficult questions, and that he was personally sorry (not bell sorry) that I had to put up with shitty service. He very carefully worked to try to get the programming right… and offered me three months additional free service when I covert to the new HD plans within 12 months. So net, Bell has put about $750 on the table to keep me in the game. Against the odds, I agree, and allow him to work on the program. Standard “it takes a couple of hours” deal, so I thank him, and the night ends unhappy but hopeful.

Next morning, check the programming… it is certainly DIFFERENT, but not correct. The failure rates here are pretty much blowing my mind.

Anyway, I figure the HD installer is due later in the day, I will bite my tongue until he is done and then give another try to fix this stupid situation. Installer shows up a little later than I thought (They said betwen noon and five, it was about 2 when he called to say he would be there soon… why couldn’t they just say “between 3 and 5?”). He came in with the new receiver under his arm, and I stopped the show and said “let’s talk about dish installation”. Remember, the need to move the dish a bit is why this all started to begin with.

I walk him outside, show him the current install, show him the potential install locations and he has one look and says “It won’t work” (he said it in french, but same thing). He didn’t have any equipment to do the install of anything outside of the standard box, wouldn’t go on the roof at all (not insured) and generally said “no chance”. Remember now, I have been a client for 3 years with full service, and the dish move is literally less than 10 feet.

With that, he picks up the receiver in the box, says “sorry”, and leaves.

You can picture the steam coming out of my ears at this point.

Back on the phone with the cancellation people. This time I get a real droid, someone filling time. I know it is useless, so after giving him my basic information and talking to him a minute or two, I ask to speak to a supervisor. He puts me on hold and miracle of miracles, the phone hung up. Call back, I get ANOTHER droid, and immediately ask for a supervisor, no wasting time. I get a supervisor that honestly sounds like he has no interest at all in trying to find a soltution, and he floors me with this: “your account has already been closed, there is nothing more I can do”.

What the fuck? Turns out the hangup employee took it on himself to cancel the service outright and thank you good bye. He didn’t want to talk to me, and he was VERY happy apparently to cancel my service. Upset and unhappy supervisor managed to restart my service and tells me to suffer (nicer words, but basically “nothing I can do”).

Anyway, my programming is still fucked beyond belief (I am apparently paying for 7 option packages, but I don’t have any CNN or anything like that, and many of my local french channels have gone AWOL as well), and I still have to move my dish. I am convinced the new location will work out fine, and I have the measurements and angles calculated that say it is good to go. I even tested and peaked out the dish in it’s current location and I have signals between 90 and 100% on all transponders.

Now let’s get into the really fucked up parts of this deal.

First, if you are getting rental equipment, only a Bell installer can put it in. They will not just send you the stuff, they have to install it. If you want to BUY the receiver, that is $300, and I would have to buy a switch and a second LNB to add the second sat to the system to get HD and whatnot… another $100… plus my dish really does need to get replaced, considering the paint is off of it completely… that is another $99 plus shipping… so I would be looking at shelling out $500 plus shipping instead of $10 a month rental charges… but because one single tech decided he couldn’t do an install, well, they won’t do it.

Second, none of their stores have any stock. You have to order online and take delivery by courrier in 3-5 days. They won’t send a new dish to existing customers (but an installer can replace a defective or damaged dish when making the rental install). So even if Ibuy the thing, I can’t get everything I need.

Finally, the replacement dish thing drives me nuts. Even the supervisor type said that Bell will not sell only dishes, they have to be part of a system – but because I am an existing customer, if I upgrade my equipment I don’t get a new dish because I already have one. I took 3 calls to get anyone to admit I could buy one, and that took 20 minutes and two sessions on hold to find that out: $99 plus shipping. It would appear that an existing customer with any issues with an installation is pretty much screwed over and has to find their own suppliers outside of bell to get any parts.

I was also shocked to see that major stores like Futureship and Bestbuy (same owners) no longer stock any expressvu equipment, they just have the same useless rental packages (a programming guide, and a rental contract… no equipment). Not a single receiver or any equipment in my local FS store at all.

So here I am, 10 days later, and I still don’t have a new receiver, still don’t have the dish moved, and time is running out.  I have to go to my local “What use to be a radio shack now a circuit city mutant thing” and get some stuff so that I can relocate my current dish, plus probably a can of rattlecan grey primer to keep it from rusting, and I will do the work myself, relocating the dish to it’s new location, getting perfect signal, and telling Bell to “GFY”.

I submitted a change to my programming tonight, we will see if they can manage to make it work.  I wonder if they will notice that I have cut my bill almost in half.

Anyone from expressvu reading this?  Shame on you all.  A near monopoly that should be broken up and sold like the junk parts it really is.

Nice day… too bad for all the noise

The punishment for living in a neighborhood still under construction is when you want to open your windows to enjoy the nice summer air, you also have to accept the sounds of construction and other annoyances.

In this case, I am getting a double shot of annoyance:  In the back, they are putting in the foundation for a new house, and today they are packing the gravel / rock into the ground for drainage.  Because everything here is about 6 or 8 inches above hard slate bedrock, the roller is making my house vibrate like mad.  (when the put the roads in, they had to use dynamite to get rid of the rocks… took about 3 months of blasting every day to do half a mile).  The bonus today is that they city is working on the fountain in front of my house removing all the cracked tiles because they built it poorly to start with.  So deep bass rumbling from the back, and hi pitched jack hammer on the front.  LOVELY!

I am also waiting for the contructor to come look at one part of the foundation of my house, which is screwed up, and the sat TV company is coming to move my disk and install an HD receiver (now if I just had an HD TV to hook it to!).  It really is fucking insanity here, which sadly means no work done until later.

I played badminton last night and got some really good lessons from my friend Tayo, who is a much better player than I will probably ever been.  He really should be a pro coach, he is very patient and not at all worries about doing things over and over until they work.  Iplayed a game with him and won, but we did manage to run into each other at least once.  Communication.. *sigh*.

Anyway, don’t forget to check out Porn Pig’s Porn Party which has a ton of new stuff every day, as well as findpics free porn links, which I update every day too!

172-171… I guess I was right

Well, after some of the stuff I have talked about in the last week or so, I guess I was right about plateauing out at 175.  By backing away and not attacking too hard, I have been able to balance back out and the weight has started to come off again a if by magic.

This morning the scale said 171 and the stuttered over to settle on 172, so very close indeed.

More importantly, I am no longer trying too hard.  I am keeping an eye on things, getting stuff done, but basically I am just not getting too excited about anything and just eating reasonably well, and boom… weight loss.

So we will see how it goes, I guess.

Computer issues

The motherboard on my main work system started to take a dive about a week ago.  A few minor weirdnesses came up, this and that, nothing really… and then the onboard sound started to act up.  It is a decent motherboard (ASUS P4S8X) and I have run it for maybe two years without issues, so I figured that maybe my speakers were acting up, maybe a bad cable… something.

Well, after testing with some other speakers and whatnot, I figured that yup, the motherboard was having issues.  So time to get a new one.  Lucky for me my current system is a CPU type that is still supported by new boards, and not a slouch speed either (2.4gig… not huge fast but not bad).  Off I got to pick up an ASUS P4P800 SE from my local supplier.  I chose that one because I also use it on a video system I have, and I like the board as it has a good 1 gig network card on board, FSB up to 800mhz, and both IDE and SATA drive support – plus I can continue to use my existing AGP video card on it.  A relatively cheap $120 canadian or so to get the new board, I come back home and do the swap.  Pretty painless to install, I had to change the back plate and move some of the mounting pegs, but pretty much bing bang boom, and the new board is in place and all the toys hooked up.  Nice.

Cool, power it up, and it won’t boot.   Windows loads to a point and the system resets automatically, always in the same place.


Turns out that the previous board’s drivers for this and that and even the board itself are conflicting and really screwing something out.  Won’t even boot in safe mode, and there is no longer a step by step mode to eliminate the problem deal (use to be that you could step through the boot one item at a time and say yes or no, which made it easy to find out what is fucking you up.  Not any more!).  Anyway, the only solution was a repair style reinstall of windows.  So a simple board swap turns into a couple of hours of trouble shooting, tracking down drivers, and generally making sure everything on my system works again.  Total pain in the ass.

On the plus side, my system is certainly faster.  I am more convinced now that mobo issues were dragging on my system, and obviously a windows reset certainly doesn’t hurt either to get rid of useless boot items and minor conflicts.  The sound is great, and the network actually is a little bit quicker too.

I guess I have a suggestion for Microsoft:   If a system fails to boot and recycles, either find a way to put a log where it can be accessed with little or no actual operating system, or give some way to step through the boot to figure out what is going wrong.   Having a system that won’t boot and with no easy method to diagnose the problem, I could see people just doing a complete new install and losing tons of data and installed programs.  I am a little more persistant, but many people are nowhere near as interested in doing the hard but right thing.

So now I get to go back to work 🙂

173 – etc

I must say that dieting can get pretty boring after a while.  Atkins is a wonderful concept that really does seem to get results (I got a friend of mine going on it as well, he has had similar results to me, which is good).  However, part of Atkins that really does suck is that the food selection is rather limited and the combinations not always very appealing.

I haven’t eaten any of the Atkins branded food, but from everything I have read most low carb substitutes for breads and cereals are pretty much between bland and crap.  I don’t have any interest in paying out the big dollars to find out the stuff is not enjoyable, and being in Canada, the only options are all fairly pricey.  So that gets cut off from the list, which leaves me most selection in the veg sections.  I am not a big veg guy, so I feel pretty darn cramped.

The results have been excellent, but I now know for certain that I have no interest in living a long term super low carb lifestyle.  It creates social issues for spending time with my friends (right now I am basically a bitch to eat out with, most places are just not suitable for a super low carb diet),  means I spend more time shopping for food and preparing it rather than enjoying it, and I spend inordinant amounts of time trying to plan meals and such if I do want to go out with friends.   It is a burden rather than a help.

A little story.  When I quit drinking (after getting poisoned at a webmaster event by someone who slipped something into a drink) I had to deal with the issues of social situations.  Going out with people and having them buy a round of shots, only to find out that I won’t drink it (“come on, it’s just a shot!”), dealing with how to order things in public places, how to not slip back down the slope… dealing with a personal version of the 12 steps that makes me an honorary friend of Bill… some things are hard to do, and honestly only that my body would get violently ill at the slightest hint of booze kept me on the line in the first year.  The offers, the shots right in my hand were powerful temptations to avoid.
In the end, the social aspects of not drinking are way harder to master and control than the need for a drink.  I don’t need a drink anymore at all nor do I crave it, which makes me feel better about myself.   But those social situations, the stares, the looks… people assuming you have a “personal problem” because you choose not to drink.  It is a tough road to hoe.

Atkins for me feels the same way.  I have never had an issue in my life with being different (I pretty much have always marched to my own drummer, fife, and bagpipes), but this hits in a weird sort of circumstances that requires me to be something that truly isn’t socially acceptable:  I can’t eat out without ripping menus apart and being a real pain in the ass to eat with (I have already done water and coffee for a meal while my friend ate because nothing on the menu would come close).  I don’t like that feeling, I don’t like making excuses for not being able to go out.

The other part of the deal which annoys me is that very few if any restaurants in Canada (and especially Montreal) seem to be clued in on Atkins / Low Carb lifetsyle choices.  Most places don’t, as an example, have a simple choice alternative to potatoes that isn’t another starch (rice, noodles… hello carbs!), and almost none of the servers are able to tell me if the meat would be breaded or if the sauce would be natural or thickened, or if the univeg of the day has a sauce.  Try to order anything with that, and it is pretty much a dead end.  I have yet to find a single establishment with lowcarb choices on the menu that are actually very low carb.   Atkins isn’t ready for prime time in Montreal, that is for sure.

Anyway, I am lucky in many ways.  I am approaching my target weight, I have slowly been readding carbs into my diet, and I am getting more exercise than before.  This whole process is teaching me good from bad, and has helped me to wean myself totally away from sugar drinks (pop or soda, depending on where you live) and making better food choices.  I won’t stop ordering better stuff when I go out, and I certainly won’t go back to the high starch high sugar situation that got me where I was to start.  But I do know that I need to be able to live and be social, to eat reasonably and stay fit.

More news as I keep going and attempt to flatline my weight for a while… 🙂

174 this morning

I have been working this week to open my body up to a bit more food types and some more carbs, allowing an occassional slip and whatnot to see what is going on.  My weight loss pretty much flattened out at 175 (I think I have hit a sort of plateau, something I will need to address) so I figured after almost 4 weeks of Atkins pretty much well done, I need to take a sort of break.  Not a “go back to McDonalds” type thing, but rather to just allow a little more stuff and let my body (and liver) take a break from constant ketotis.  Then given a couple of days, I can flip back on and take a shot at getting past that plateau I am on.

I played some badminton last night, but as it was out season ender party I did cheat slightly on some stuff, but small portions and just enough to enjoy the tastes, not really eating.  This morning, I am 174, which is not a terrible thing.  So from now until probably Saturday, I am still “on the diet” just not keeping as good track of things for a couple of days to relax myself.  Then Saturday I will do another sort of induction, trickle over into ketotis again, and get to work in the gym as well to push things.  My original goal was 170ish, but now I am a little more agressive and looking for 165, which would be major wow.

Anyway, I will keep it up 🙂