170… yeah baby!

I posted this elsewhere, but I figure I should put it here… power of willpower, desire, and effort coming together:

I weigh 170!

That was about 5 days ago, and since I have been hovering… 170, 171, 172 depending on the time of the day.  That means 23 pounds (or about 11%) drop in total body weight since the start of the year, and a really positive outlook as a result.  With the weather coming back to nice, my bicycle is getting a workout again, and I am back to getting into decent shape.  I haven’t played as much badminton in the last little while as timing has been horrible (and one of the best places to play closes on the weekends during the summer) so I haven’t hooked up.  But in the mean time, I am working on being in better shape and getting some endurance, and that will make it all easier.

I am living proof that Atkins does work, if you follow not only the rules of the diet but the feeling of your body and your spirit.  I have eaten pizza and chinese food and greek food and many things that are “not in the diet” and still done well, because those things are balanced out and not a day to day thing.   I haven’t been near a McDonalds  or the like since this started, and I truly don’t miss them.  I miss soft drinks a bit, I miss ice tea very much (lemon and sugar… not good!), and I miss being able to just eat whatever whenever without worry.  I tend to work some pretty insane hours, and I get hungry late and I have to be careful, those use to be the MickeyD times…

Overall good, now I keep going more for shape and look rather than the actual number, but I will watch the number (and probably post a picture at 169 just to make myself smile)

Another site sees the light of day

I have been a busy little (canadian) beaver…

Sexy Whore Hardcore is my latest TGP / MPG thing.  100% of the galleries on this site are movie galleries, and always will be.  It is a single page site for the moment, but I am going to work on the archives sections over the next couple of days so there will also be links by category… all nicely sorted and all.  I like the look of the site (I paid someone to build it because my shit never looks that good) and I am filling in the blanks and getting it all up and happy.  I like it, and I am sure you will like it too!  Bookmarks it and tell your friends… over 100 new galleries total each day 🙂

Click here for Sexy Whore Hardcore

Summer off

Many people talk about “taking the summer off”. I think every office worker dreams about wandering away when the summer months come and heading back to work in September, sort of the same way we use to get out of school when we were kids. Well, for me, school is out. Chatboard school, that is.

I have spent much time in the last couple of years involved in the social aspects of being in the adult industry. Running link sites and what not does require a certain amount of social interaction, and I have been pretty social, I can say. For years I have done all the adult trade shows, working in partnership with other people on developing sites and traffic, and generally I played the social game.

About a year ago, I started to take less of an interest in the social parts of the business.  I don’t attend anywhere near as many trade shows, and I haven’t seen much of a difference in the bottom line of my business, which tells me I am on to something.  But that isn’t really what has brought on the vacation.

In the last 8 or 9 months, a few individuals have decides that they didn’t like private comments I have made, and they have spent that time making my time in public chat boards more and more unproductive.  I have tried all the usual techniques, not paying attention, purposely stepping away from situations that might cause issues, etc.  I have been very careful “not to go there”.   Apparently this isn’t enough for some people.

Update Nov 2014: 8 years later, I know… but I just wanted to say that I get a particular laugh in realizes that all of those people who annoyed me and claimed to know better are pretty much all gone from the adult world. They knew so much that they went broke and quit. The adult world is entirely different from what it was when I posted this, and there is a certain satisfaction in knowing that I am surviving where the ‘experts’ failed in a big, public way. Good riddance to bad garbage!

It’s okay… tons of work to do, many new things to develop properly (like Free pornstar movies and Sologirl Amateurs ), so I will stick with working and developing and producing and not worry too much about what self-important people think.

Happy Victoria Day (or whatever the fuck it is)

I should know better, considering my duel citizenship puts me both as Canadian and British… I should know more about the Queen’s birthday and whatnot, but I honestly cannot be bothered.  Worse, because of issues in QUebec, they call it something else, so that french people won’t get offended or something by taking a holiday on the Queen.  What the fuck ever.

That’s not my department, so fuck it.

Updates time… Porn Pig Blog Thing got it’s facelift, not entirely done but pretty much on the go.  A little frustrating because the designers used non-standard techniques in the template which makes it a little hard to make changes, some features are missing, and so on… but I am getting it all together and it is looking better all the time.   More and more people are bookmarking the site, so that is a good sign 🙂

I also added almost 1000 galleries into the rotation at Sexy Asian Thumbs, and I changed the display order a bit to put the most popular thumbs right near the top of the page.   This means you can find the asian pussy you want faster, m’kay?  Me love you longtime and faster too.

As you can see from the RSS feeds on the side of the site, there are a tons of updates all over the place, I have been working hard to find fresh porn and get it up and running as quick as I can… so stay tuned!

Oh yeah… 170 babeeeeeeeeee!   🙂

The things you learn over time

One of the more interesting parts about working in a net based business is that it is often very hard to put together cause and effect.  There are many events that happen between a small tweak and a result in visitors, sales, or SE listings, so it is very hard to put things together.

This is doubly true for search engine stuff.  For those of you who might of stumbled in here without knowing the deal, basically all websites to one extent or another try to get good listings on the various search engines, like Google, MSN, Altavista, Ask, and so on. The better we rank (closer to the top of the list) for the search words and expressions we want, the more people come to our sites.  For some that is where the concept stops, the pure vanity of counting people who have read our words and consumed out thoughts… for others, visitors (aka traffic) is a requirement for making money.  Potentially buyers, maybe clicking on a paying ad or whatever, or doing something that someone is willing to pay for.

Attempting to get better listings in the search engines is a game without end, without timeouts, and without written rules or clear boundries.   This leads some people to go to very large extremes to get thier sites listed.  Others (like me) are a little more middle of the road, concentrating on building good, informative, or entertaining websites that people would actually want to visit.  No tricks or smoke or mirrors in my work.

The time delay on changes can be maddening.  Google, as an example, updates their listing all the time subtly, but bigger updates (also known as a google dance) happen every so often, tossing the salad as it were and re-ranking sites and altering the listings in google.   Because the amount of time between these major upheavals is hard to predict, and with a new system at google that does this shifting over time rather than in one day, it is a very hard thing to predict.   So I can update a site or make changes, and it can take days or weeks to see if the results really worked.  That is painful to play with.

Other things (like link exchanges, listings on blog pages, etc) happen much faster, but often have a much shorter shelf life.  So in the end, much of what happens in site design, layout, and the pace of updates and listings is very directly attached to this weird web rythem that all websites follow.  It is a bumpy ride 🙂

If you bookmarked rawalex’s random thoughts or linked to the site, please update your bookmarks to https://www.in-the-raw.com .  I have been enjoying writing a blog enough that I decided to give this thing it’s own little place in the sun.  I put in a 301 coded redirect so everything should work out okay by itself, but just in case, I wanted everyone to know.  This will be the home for this site for at least the next year, so get f-ing use to it, okay?

I have a ton of other things to do today, I will do them and probably be back to post some updates later… enjoy 🙂

Top of the tuesday to ya :)

Top of the morning to ya, even as I write this in the afternoon.

Last night’s late session took me down the path to creating a new blog, Project Pussy.  This one is going to be an all carpet munching affair with girl girl action and whatnot.  This really is every guy’s fantasy, it seems, and there are a ton of really good sites and things out there, so I figured why not?  Plus I get to play some more with the same basic template I am using here, to see what I can do with it.  It is a very interesting concept, if nothing else.

I also continue to work toward a personal goal or two.  Weight wise I am down at 171 this morning, so no big celebration posts until I can take a picture of me on the scale at 169… then I will be quite impressed.   I have been close a couple of times, but I think this week is where it will happen.  If the weather could stay a little better I could be out riding my bike and getting some good exercise.  It’s been hard with almost a week of rain here.

Other personal goals include some business stuff, and I am happy to say that for the first time in a long time I am either hitting or coming close enough to goals to satisfy myself a bit, but not to make me slow down.  Seeing some patterns and things develop in the search engine world has given me much food for thought, so much so that I am well fed but still hungry for more.  The light at the end of the tunnel is in fact the exit to the tunnel, from what I can see 🙂

Anyway, I got to see another preview of the official design for Porn Pig Porn Party today, the designer is hard at work and it is really quite cute.  I think it will do well, and if nothing else might get the site noticed.  No matter what, it is a learning process for me, so I am ahead of game in the end.

Oh yeah, CNN managed to make Bush look like a lost case again last night (that isn’t hard)… What’s my line?

Have an exciting day… more porn later on this dirty channel.

Monday Monday…

One of the more interesting effects of working at home (and living alone) is that the days tend to blend into one another pretty much without difference. I more often know what day it is because of what is on TV rather than anything actually important. I tend to forget to do things as a result, missing appointments or whatever because I am totally, 100% clueless as to the day of the week or the date.

I am still getting use to having this nice fresh and new domain for my personal blog. I love the name and I feel a little bit more open to say what I want to say without issue, and without making it so that it effects my “business name” in the process. This is all good 🙂

Anyway, I worked pretty late last night, and got some good stuff done. First off there are new entries on teenager-x, spread teen pussy, little tit site, and ddcup big boob blog for you to enjoy. There is also a couple of new stories over at free erotic stories blog, and that is a good thing I think. I also added a hot free site Masturbating asian girl, which has some really nice juicy shots in it that are worth the effort to check out.

The overall design of PornPig’s porn party is also coming along in the background, it won’t be long before it is up and totally hot. I love the idea of getting many blog entries together so that it is easier for you guys and girls to find the porn and stuff you want. I added a couple of new feeds this weekend, so there is even more bullshit to read 🙂

I also got a design done for a fresh TGP I am going to toss up shortly. Nice to get a pro to do a job, it takes them about an hour to make a really nice template so the site will have a decent and hot look, and be ready to make friends. Overall I am happy with the look, and I hope to have the thing up and running later today or tomorrow.

Finally, I have continued to work on my new link project. I got some ideas over the weekend that will delay the launch slightly, mostly back end stuff to help other webmasters to get their stuff listed faster and easier, and to keep the site more up to date. I think there is nothing more frustrating than clicking on a link and getting a 404 page or being redirected to console hell because a site expired or was removed. So I am working on tools to check those things more regularly, and also to make it easier for the individual contributors to remove sites from the listings if they remove their sites. All this in an effort to provide you the best and hottest overall experience.

So back to work I go… more news later 🙂

More for Party Poker Land

I have been playing a bit on and off, not really making a dedicated stab at it, but certainly paying attention and not getting myself into any trouble.  I have played a few free rolls (7000 people, 6000 of them total idiots playing anything and everything) and a few qualifier types to see what is what.

The first thing I notice is that since the increase in starting chips, the actual number of people left after an hour seems to have dropped.  I use to see about 50% of the people left after an hour, and now I am seeing more like 40% or even less.  It means that you have to pile chips a little faster because people are playing hard and screwing up massively.

It is interesting, if nothing else.

Want to play poker?  Click here for no limit holdem

Speaking of nice and new

Well, welcome to the real home of my blog.  While I had been running this blog on rawalex.com, I felt it a little more obvious and clear if I ran this off by itself.  It allows me a little more freedom to say what I want without mixing it up with business.  So here we are, IN THE RAW.

This has also allowed me to play with the layout of the site and move up to used widgets (a cool tool that lets you add all sort sorts of things to the sidebars of the site), and I will be refining and clearing up the format in the next little bit.  Safe to say I really like this whole deal, and I love this theme layout in general (but it needs some work!).

Overall a good start.  Please adjust your bookmarks accordingly 🙂